Class 10 Social notes-1


                       Class - 10   Social Hands out      Covid Home Schooling (2077 Aswin 20)

                                                                                    Teacher : Sashi Raj Ghimire (Mob.9856045004)

Lesson -1 Human Resource Development

Ø  The person having the skill and capacity to do certain work is called human resource.

Ø  The process of making the manpower of an organization more efficient for better output is called Human Resource Development.

Ø There are three types of human resources: Unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled human resource.

Ø The manpower who does not have any specific skills and capacity to do a certain work is called Unskilled H.R.

Ø The manpower who have some limited skills to do certain task is called semi-skilled Human Resource.

Ø The manpower who are expert at doing certain task is called skilled Human Resource.

Ø Based on time of producing manpower, they are also divided as Short-term H.R. and Long-term H.R. If the manpower is produced with long time of training or study, that is long term Human Resource, but if the manpower is produced with short time training or study, they are shor-term Human resource.

Ø  The process of Managing Human resource including, job analysis, planning, recruiting, training,etc is H.R. Management.

Ø  Training, conducting seminar, workshop, observation tour are some ways of Human Resource Development.

Ø  Poverty, lack of Skilled H.R., lack of will power in leadership, lack of clear H.R. development policy in the country, unfair distribution of means and resources are some challenges in Human Resource Development in the country.

Lesson -2 Human Development Index and Nepal

Ø  Human Development Index (HDI) is the composite indicator of three basic dimensions of human development. They are life expectancy, education, and per-capita income.

Ø  HDI helps people to know the development level of a country and compare it with other countries. It also helps people to make a good development plan of a country.

Lesson - 3 Concept of Regional Development and Federalism

Ø  Nepal remained underdeveloped for over a long time even after the end of Rana Rule. Therefore the country was divided into five Development Regions in 2037 B.s. to quit poverty, underdevelopment, and regional imbalance.

Ø  Unitary system of governance is the system of ruling a country from the center only.

Ø  In Nepal, unitary system, constitutional monarchy, and multi-party democracy could not satisfy the people. Therefore, federalism (federal system) was introduced after second people's revolution in 2062/063.

Ø  Federalism is the system of governing a country dividing it into several autonomous provinces having a separate government for each having a central government at the same time. Now Nepal is divided into 7 provinces.

Ø  Maintaining close relation between the state and the people, maximum use of available means and resources, and settling conflict in the local level, reduced dependency upon center are the advantages of federalism.

Ø  expensive form of government, conflict for the distribution of means and resources between the governments, difficult to divide power and authorities between the governments are some disadvantages of federalism.

Lesson - 4 Provinces of Nepal

Ø  Read the text given in the lesson and collect different information regarding provinces of Nepal.

Unit - 2   Lesson - 1 Sustainable Development

Ø After the development of science and technology, the development of the world is taken a speed; however, the development did not pay attention to the ecology and future generation. Therefore, Gro Harlem Brundtland presented a report named "Our Common Future" in 1987, which raised the concept of Sustainable Development

Ø Sustainable Development means "Development that meets the needs of the present without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Sustainable development helps to reduce poverty, conserve natural environment, proper use of means and resources and gain human development.

Ø Sustainable Development has social, Economic, Natural and Political dimension.

 Lesson - 2 Ongoing Development Projects in Nepal

Ø The development activities that are planned to achieve certain goals by utilizing the available means and resources over a specific period is called Development Projects.

Ø The Development Projects which are launched by the Nepal government by utilizing Nepal's own means and resources and to benefit many people are called National Priority Projects. There are twenty-one National Priority Projects in Nepal. Read the projects given in the book and make the lists of advantages of the project.

Lesson - 3 Infrastructure of Development: Skilled Manpower and Employment Opportunity

Ø The means and resources which are necessary for the socio-economic development of the nation is called infrastructure of development.

Ø The things which you need to do something is called to means. The place which provides you the means is called resource. Sometimes the term 'means and resource' can be used for the same thing because it has both the purpose.

Ø The resources given by nature is called natural resources but the people who can work for the development of a country is called human resource.

Ø We need human resource to utilize available other resources in the country and develop it.  Similarly, we need them to speed up development activities, produce more skilled human resource and develop new technology.

Ø Providing technical and vocational training, quality education, introducing scientific education and research-based education are some ways to produce skilled human resources.

Ø The problem of Brain-drain is widespread in Nepal. Brain-drain means the trend of educated manpower going to foreign country in search of job, business, and other opportunities.

Ø Due to the growth of private sector employment, remittance, and increased literacy rate, poverty alleviation program and decreased dependency in agriculture, poverty is decreasing in Nepal.

Lesson -4 Contemporary Development Goals and Nepal

Ø UN General Assembly set international development goals in 1990 AD which are to be fulfilled by 2015 AD are known as Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). There are 8 MDGs. Later these goals were reviewed and reset in 2015 AD. These reviewed goals are called Sustainable Development Goals. Read the given goals from the book.

Unit - 3 Lesson - 1 Our National Heritages

Ø Those important and valuable objects, places, arts, culture, and natural environment in a nation which have been passed from previous generation to the present generation are called national heritages.

Ø The heritages that belong to religion are religious heritages. The heritages that belong to culture is called cultural heritages, and those that belong to nature are called natural heritages.

Ø National heritages are important because they give identity to the country, help to promote tourism, and help for the study of art, culture, religion, and history of a country.

Ø It is people's duty to preserve national heritages. They can preserve it by making them pollution free, by repairing and renovating time and again, by publicizing them through various means and media, by making the locals aware about the importance of heritages and, by providing tight security in the heritage sites.

Lesson - 4 Our Folk Songs, Folk Dances and Musical Instruments

Ø  Folk songs, dances and musical instruments are our cultural heritages. They give our identity. They add our cultural and national glory. They help us to learn our past and to promote tourism. Therefore, they are important. These days this folk culture is being disappeared because of the youths' attraction to foreign music and lifestyle. They are not conscious about their originality.

Ø  We can preserve it by various ways. The youths should be taught about our original culture and made aware about its importance. They should be taught in school and colleges about it. The folk song singers and musicians should be given proper incentive. The competitions of folk music should be organized time and often.

 Lesson - 5 Our National Days

Ø  Those special days which are observed all over the nation in memory of some historical events, great persons and significant achievements are called National Days. Martyrs' Day, Children's Day, Constitution Day, Democracy Day, Education Day, International Woman's Day, International Labour Day, and Republic Day are some National days of Nepal. Read the book and note the days for their observation, and write the possible activities done for observation.

Lesson 6,7,8 (International personalities, Universal Brotherhood & Senior Citizens)

Ø  Those people who have made important contribution for the welfare and development of the mankind of the whole world are called international personalities. Kailash Satyarthi, Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther King, Helen Keller, Stephen Hawking are some international personalities. These people are inspiring to the young people of the world.

Ø  Treating and regarding the whole people of the world like brothers and sisters is called universal brotherhood. Universal brotherhood helps to promote peace and harmony in the world. As a result, the world becomes better place for living.

Ø  Behave others as brothers and sisters, end any kind of discrimination, resolve conflict through dialogue, extend love and cooperation, respect diversity are some ways to promote universal brotherhood.

Ø  The elderly people in Nepal who are above 60 years of age are known as senior citizens. They should be respected for their knowledge, experience, and contribution to build a good society and its development. Neglecting the senior citizens is very bad. It is out of own's duty. Therefore, our country has made many efforts to protect them. Pensions/allowances have been given. There is the provision of free health treatment, 50% discount in fare rate, reservation seats in public vehicles, etc.

Unit- 4  Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence, Some Bad customs (Some Social Problems)& others

Ø  The unwanted and illegal activities that happen in the society and hampers its development are called social problems. Women violence, Dowry, Child marriage, Untouchability, Child labor, Gender discrimination, Human trafficking, corruption. Ghumto, Chhaupadi, Jhuma, Bullying, are some social problems of our society.

Ø  The trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, slavery is called Human Trafficking. According to a recent survey, almost 9000 women are sold from Nepal every year.

Ø  Most of the victims of human trafficking are children and women. The traffickers use various means such as threat, force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power, payments, etc for buying and selling.

Ø  Mostly innocent, illiterate, and poor people become its victim. Traffickers also sell human organs these days.

Ø  Increase in literacy, making people aware of these problems, end of various kind of discrimination, providing employment opportunities, tight security are some ways to solve these problems.

Ø  Violent behavior like battering, mistreatment, threatening, coercion etc to the family members within the home is known as domestic violence.

Ø  Domestic violence is dangerous because the victim may suffer from depression or fear leading to suicide. It disrupts family peace and harmony. Victims may involve in drugs and crime.

Ø  Therefore, people awareness should be increased, discrimination should be ended, members should be in discipline, equal ownership to the parental property should be given to solve these problems. Our country has made some efforts to end them too.

Ø  Red Cross, Scout, SOS (Save Our Soul) INF (International Nepal Fellowship, Plan Nepal, ILO(International Labor Organizartion), Rotary International, NORAD(Norwegian Agency For International Development), DANIDA(Danish International Development Agency) and IUCN(International Union for Conservation of Nature) are some organizations which help to resolve social problems by running various programs.

Ø  Read the text and find out the activities/programs to conducted by these organizations.

Ø  Every member of a society should learn the skills to solve social problems. For this purpose, he/she should identify the problem, think of the possible alternative solutions. Then make the list of advantages and disadvantages of each alternative solution. Finally implement or follow the best alternative to solve the problem.                                                                The End


                                        SHREE KUSUMAKAR SECONDARY SCHOOL

Class : 10                                            Madhyanepal-7, Karaputar Lamjung                            Full Marks: 60

Sub: Social                                 Open Exam 2077 (Covid-19)                     pass Marks: 40

 (Students are requested to supply their original answer for each question. Copying from any friend, book and guides will not be accepted for evaluation.)

Group - A (6x1=6)

Q.N.1. What is Human Resource Development? Write the names of three Skilled, three Semi-skilled             and three Unskilled Human resource available in your community.

Q.N.2.Write the name of a Development project running in your village. Write objectives, budget, and      duration of the project.

Q.N.3.How can you help to reduce hunger in your village in this covid crisis? Write at least two ways.

Q.N.4. Write four lines of Ratyauli Song people sing in your community.

Q.N.5. Prepare one slogan to observe Democracy Day in your community.

Q.N.6. Make a list of four Domestic violence found in your neighborhood.

Group - B (10x4=40)

Q.N.7. What is federal system? Draw a separate map of each province fill in the district. Then write the       basic    information of geographical, socio-cultural environment and economic activities of each     province in points.

Q.N.8.Write a description of Puspalal Mid-hill Highway (A national priority project).

Q.N.9. Write any four major ways that can be done to promote economic activities in your community.

Q.N.10. Balan Dance is an important cultural heritage of our community. Write its description in about   200 words.

Q.N.11 Write a description of Ishaneshwar Mahadev in about 200 words as a religious heritage.

Q.N.12. Compose at least 8 lines of Teej song yourself.

Q.N.13. How do you like to observe Education Day if your school is open as in normal situation?

Q.N. 14. Write a short description of Malala Yousafzai and mention 4 points what you learn from her.

Q.N. 15. Write at least 6 ways to discourage the people of your community from drinking alcohol.

Q.N.16. How do you help to solve the problem of Untouchability from your village? Write at least 6             ways.

Group - C (2x7=14)

Q.N.17. Draw Map of federal Nepal in a white paper. divide the provinces, colour them with different             light color and divide the district in the map. Out of the map write the name of the district and      their head quarter.                

Q.N. 18. Write a short development proposal for your community following the given guidelines.

A.      Name of the Project:

B.      Introduction of your village and need of the project (include location of the village, number of houses and population, facilities available and need of this project):

C.      Objectives of the Project:

D.     Proposed Activities and Duration of the project:

E.      Estimated Budget of the Project:

F.       Advantages of the Project:

G.     Challenges of the Project:

                                                   The End



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